Monday, January 12th, 2004
12:23 AM EST
Happy New Year!! To make up for the lack of updates, I will be running a contest.
The Make-Me-A-Banner Contest is exactly what it sounds like: I'm asking you to create a banner for people to place on websites to link here (shameless...I know =). The winner will receive The Legend of Alfred Packer on DVD - IKE!! I may choose more than one winner, in which case I will come up with more prizes. More details about winners and prizes soon.
The banner must be in a .jpg, .gif, or .bmp format, sized 468 pixels wide and 60 pixels high (see example below). It must have CannibalTheMusical.Net on the banner somewhere. The banner may be animated.
You may enter as many times as you wish. Send all submissions to All submissions must be received by February 13th, 2004 (Friday the 13th!!). The winner (or winners) will be notified by e-mail before February 20th.
Contact me with any further questions.

Keith |