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Updates Archive - October, 2004 |
Thursday, October 28th, 2004
12:06 AM EST
Everything Alferd is now open! As promised, they have news stories, interesting info on Alferd, other informative links, and - the best part - a store full of Alferd Packer products. Where else are you gonna find Alferd Packer t-shirts, mugs, and playing cards? Nowhere! Check it out.
Keith |
Tuesday, October 26th, 2004
3:45 PM EST
Jason McHugh recently sent me a press release for Cannibal! There's one particular tidbit of info that I'm sure will make lots of people happy: Sheet Music is now available for Stage Play directors, and will be available to everyone else in the CRAPstore within the next few weeks. There are also many upcoming Cannibal! Stage Play performances. Check it out: Cannibal Press Release.
The showtimes for Cannibal! in Grand Junction, CO this weekend are now available. Friday: 10pm, Saturday: 7 & 10pm, Sunday: 7 & 10pm. Keep in mind the special presentation for the Saturday 7pm showing. Details can be found at the Avalon Theatre Website.
Keith |
Friday, October 22nd, 2004
11:20 PM EST
Matt & Trey will be appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight (within an hour of this post). They'll also be appearing on Last Call w/ Carson Daly shortly after Jimmy Kimmel. Check your local listings. Thanks to Mattt and SPA for the info.
Also, many of you folks have been requesting tablatures for the songs in Cannibal! Well, one devoted fan, Aaron Powers, has been so kind as to provide us with the tab for Shpadoinkle! (.txt document - right-click to download). There may be more coming soon. All tabs will go on the Songs & Lyrics page.
And now an update on the Cannibal! screening to be taking place in Grand Junction, CO (from the Avalon Theatre Website):
We will be hosting a special presentation Saturday, Oct. 30th at 7:00pm. This show will be preceded by a brief historical perspective on the Packer "incident" from Dave Bailey of the Western Colorado History Museum and resident Packer expert. From there, the evening will devolve into complete and utter senselessness...and, yes, lyrics WILL be provided for those who enjoy a good old-fashioned sing-along! And, who knows...there might be some cannibal-themed surprises for some lucky attendees...Beer and wine will be served for this presentation only.
There you have it! If you live in the area, you have quite the opportunity. Cannibal!, beer, wine, Alferd Packer, David Bailey...what else could you ask for?
Keith |
Thursday, October 21st, 2004
9:19 PM EST
South Park Alliance has just joined the ever-growing CRAPtv family. Thanks to the monopolization of CRAP, you now get the best of everything Matt & Trey ;-). You got your Cannibal! (right here), your South Park, your Orgazmo, your Team America. And of course, the somewhat revitalized CRAPtv and CRAPstore. So what can you look forward to from this loving family? Lots more CRAP. Guaranteed.
Keith |
Thursday, October 14th, 2004
3:47 PM EST
Downloads! South Park Alliance now has Matt & Trey's 60 Minutes interview from last night available for download. And South Park Scriptorium has their appearance on Conan available for download.
Do you live near Grand Junction, CO? Are you looking for something to do for Halloween? Wouldn't you just love to see Cannibal! on the big screen?! If so - you're in luck! Cannibal! will be playing at the Avalon Theatre in Grand Junction during Halloween weekend (October 29th-31st); showtimes to be determined. If you'd like more info, check out the Cinema at the Avalon website.
Keith |
Wednesday, October 13th, 2004
10:58 PM EST
Matt & Trey will be appearing on Conan tonight. This is a rare occasion for all true fans of comedy - don't miss it!
Matt & Trey were also on 60 Minutes: Wednesday earlier tonight. A write-up, as well as a short clip, of the interview is available on CBS.com. If you saw the whole interview, they actually showed some clips from Cannibal! Hopefully, SPAlliance will have both of these appearances available for download in the near future.
Keith |
Saturday, October 9th, 2004
4:02 AM EST
Team America: World Police sneaks into theaters across America TONIGHT! Just a friendly reminder to get your tickets now for a sneak preview of Team America before they sell out. To find a theater near you showing Team America, click this here link. To keep yourself updated on the happenings of Team America, please visit the CRAPtv Team America site.
Keith |
Wednesday, October 6th, 2004
1:08 AM EST
Matt & Trey made an appearance on The Tonight Show last night to promote their new movie, Team America: World Police. During the interview, Cannibal! The Musical was brought up briefly. To the best of my knowledge, this was the first time Matt & Trey have talked about Cannibal! for any talk show appearance. So, if any of you visitors are here as a result of their appearance, don't stop here!! Go see the movie as soon as you can. And then go see Team America!
Also, if you missed the appearance on The Tonight Show, SPAlliance has it available for download.
Keith |
Tuesday, October 5th, 2004
6:32 PM EST
Many people have been asking about "Time Warped." So, you can now download a short segment (~10 seconds) of "Yepper!". Included is an even tinier clip of "Shpadoinkle!" for you to compare the two very similar scenes.
Broc, over at his BASEketball site, also has a short video clip to show a "Time Warped"-BASEketball connection. Head on over there to get another glimpse at "Time Warped."
Keith |
Sunday, October 3rd, 2004
4:02 PM EST
As some of you know, there are minor differences between the U.S. and non-U.S. versions of the movie. One of the biggest differences is a scene cut from the U.S. release, entitled "Don't Be Stupid!" As it's explained on the Songs page, right after Miller decides to go along on the trip, the remaining miners sing "Don't Be Stupid!" as a warning. Well, that video clip is finally available for download! As usual there are multiple formats for you to choose from, so head on over to the Video page. A HUGE Thank You goes out to The King of Beans for pulling through and getting this clip to me.
Keith |
Friday, October 1st, 2004
3:43 PM EST
Sometime this month, the website Everything Alferd will open its doors. As they claim, it'll contain a "range of goodies for y'all to remember [Alferd Packer] by." This will include (but not be limited to): his story, news articles, related links, and of course, Alferd Packer products. Should be pretty sweet!
Keith |
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