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Updates Archive - September, 2003 |
Sunday, September 28th, 2003
1:03 AM EST
There are 3 new AIM Icons. Also, Todd sent me a picture for the Fan Art section.

Keith |
Thursday, September 25th, 2003
11:06 PM EST
OK, a couple of things for this update:
I moved the Players to the About page, so I could make room on the Menu for a new section for Fans. If you have anything that you think belongs there - anything you've made, drawn, written, etc. about Cannibal! - send me an e-mail.
I added quite a few Miscellaneous and Behind the Scenes pictures to the site, as well as a new AIM icon.

Keith |
Sunday, September 21st, 2003
12:43 PM EST
The site was down for most of yesterday, I apologize. I was trying to solve a little problem, and ended up with much worse problems.
Other than that, I don't think I have any updates for today, but we'll see.
Keith |
Friday, September 19th, 2003
12:42 AM EST
I just added a Cannibal!-Wizard of Oz connection to Carrots & Peas, thanks to Richard, Isis, and Betty. I'm still looking for the Cannibal!-Fantasia connection though...anybody?
Also, if you haven't checked out Dian Bachar and Sam Maccarone's Roommates Series, do that now - it's messed up, but in a good way...no, in a bad way. Definitely bad...but funny. OK, just check it out. And you can also chat with Dian and Sam on the forum over there. Good times to be had.
Keith |
Sunday, September 14th, 2003
1:37 AM EST
I got an e-mail from Ryan who told me about his sister's encounter with Dian Bachar a few months ago. She ran into him at a hotel in Colorado, and was able to get a couple pictures with him. I personally love the pictures. The more I look at them, the more I laugh at Dian's smile in each. I can't help but notice how much happier he seems with someone shorter than him. Or perhaps it's because he's with a girl. After all, Dian is all about the ladies. Anyways, I plan on making a special section of the site for fans and their brushes with Cannibal! celebs. But until then, just check out the pictures.
If you have any pictures with the stars from Cannibal!, or even some stories of your encounters with them, send 'em my way.
Keith |
Tuesday, September 9th, 2003
10:03 PM EST
Saki, from www.samination.com drew this awesome picture for my site's "Birthday." Thanks a lot, Saki!!
1:54 AM EST
Two Birthdays are being celebrated today. Mattt Potter, from everything CRAP, is 29 years old. Happy Birthday Mattt!!
[Correction: Mattt's birthday was actually yesterday, September 8th. Close enough. =)]
The other "Birthday" is actually that of this site, which is FIVE YEARS OLD!! - born on September 9th, 1998 with the birth name: "Songs from Cannibal! The Musical." This site legally changed its name a couple times over the years, but now goes by, "CannibalTheMusical.Net." =) Happy Birthday Site!!
Keith |
Sunday, September 7th, 2003
11:23 PM EST
I've added a bunch of Pictures, including Behind the Scenes and Miscellaneous. Check out the supposed first Alferd Packer: The Musical poster. I'll have to check into that to make sure.
Keith |
Tuesday, September 2nd, 2003
11:16 PM EST
Well...looks like Minneapolis is the place to be! They just had a screening of Cannibal! last weekend. Now there is a Minneapolis-based punk band, The Nick Atoms, who has covered the "Trapper Song." Don't live in the Minneapolis area? Don't worry - they have a website where you can listen to the entire version! Click here to go to the download page. Their website is: http://www.thenickatoms.com.
Thanks to Chas for the info.
Keith |
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