Music Theory

Music Theory

Breakdown of the music theory argument (as scripted).
Frenchy: Nutter, you were singing in the wrong key!
No, he wasn't.

Nutter: No I wasn't. It was Loutzenheizer. I was singing in Eb minor!
Correct. Loutzenheizer couldn't sing a right note if it hit him in the face, but the key that Nutter proclaims is wrong. The song is in F minor, not Eb...yet he sings correctly.

Frenchy: The song's in F# major!
Nope, F minor.

Bell: I think they're the same thing. I mean, Eb is the relative minor of F#.
Technically, they're not the same thing. D# is the relative minor of F#. The relative minor of any major has the same key signature. F# major has 6 sharps, but Eb minor has 6 flats.

Frenchy: No, it isn't. The relative minor is 3 half-tones up from the major, not down!*

Noon: No, it's 3 down. Like A is the relative minor of C major.

Loutzenheiser: But isn't A# in C major?
Not really. Since C major is void of sharps and flats, A# isn't in the key of C major. It's just a raised 6th.

Bell: Wait, are you singing mixolydian scales, or something?
Mixolydian scales have nothing to do with this conversation. Click here to learn about mixolydian scales.

Frenchy: A# is tonic to C major. It's the 6!
Wrong. Tonic means relating to or based on the first note of a scale. C (not A#) is tonic to C major. The 6 (aka 6th note) of C major is A.

Humphrey: No it isn't!

Swan: Well, it'd be like a raised 13th if anything.
He is confusing intervals and scale degrees. If he were talking about an interval, it would be an augmented 13th. It would also have to be a specific A#, not general in the sense he was talking; they are talking in terms of a key. So, A# is a raised 6th in C Major.

Frenchy: Oh well. You guys are just a bunch of loser diggers anyhow!
Personal attack. Very childish.

Humphrey: Oh see. You know we're right!
Well, sort of.

* This line was incorrectly spoken by Frenchy in the movie. As scripted, Frenchy was supposed to be wrong. Click here for more info.

Special thanks to KLMnumbers for her input!

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